Design and Innovate - modern problems require modern solutions. You got what it takes? Join us and take part in the Design Sprint! Develop innovative ideas that will take society to new heights.
- AK Wien and CTS
- Short overview as PDF

- Technology in new work
- Ethics & AI in work
- Digitalisation in economy
- Digital competencies
- Future mobility
Detailed challenge descriptions are avaiable on our German page.
How to participate
The Design Sprint 2024 is over. We will keep you updated when there are new dates for Design Sprints in 2025.
You do not feel fit in German?
- There will be a lot of support in the room during the event.
- If you understand German, it will be possible participating.
- Experts giving short inputs in German during the event will furthermore have slides in English for further support.
- If you register with some friends who can help in cases with translating issues, it is even better.
- Our organizing team will also be able to help from time to time at the venue.
Event Infos
- Date: Thu, 12.09.2024 - Sat, 14.09.2024
- Time: 09:00-17:00 CET / Sa, 14.09.2024 09:00-15:00 CET
- Place: AK Wien Bildugszentrum Theresianumgasse 16-18, 1040 Vienna
- Registration:
- Language: German
- Catering: Food and drinks will be provided
Arbeiterkammer Wien (AK Wien), Center for Technology and Society (CTS)