Read about the mission and guidelines of our FU[TU]RE experts, formerly known under the name “TU All Inclusive”. Additional materials, media, and information are to be found here too.
From September 23 to 25, 2022, CTS and AK Wien hosted the “Hackathon of the Many - With Digitization to More Justice”. The focus was on social competencies and technical know-how with the goal: Digital Justice. The main focus was on the exchange of students with interest groups.
Read More(Only in German) Die innovativste Idee: Organisierung un(ter)dokumentierter Paketzusteller_innen
(Only in German) Die funktionalste Anwendung: Taking back the streets – Eine Straßenzeitung in Pandemie und digitalem Zeitalter?
(Only in German) Das beste Mock-Up: Bürger_innen-Initiativen zu umweltfreundlicher Mobilität vernetzen
(Only in German) Die beste Präsentation: Betriebsrat – Organisierung im Homeoffice
(Only in German) Die gesellschaftlich wertvollste Lösung: Selbstorganisierung von Menschen mit Armuts- und Ausgrenzungserfahrungen
(Only in German) Der beste Call to Action: Digitales Storytelling zur Klimagerechtigkeit
The complete session ‘Die (R)evolution sozio-technischer Hybride’ at the Forum Alpbach 2022 as a single video (available in German only).
CTS’s Anna Franzkowiak joined Doris Wagner and representatives of TU Austria for a tour through eduLAB, one of Austria’s most successful educational outreach initiatives in IT.
Reporting and photo credit: Theresa Aichinger-Fankhauser / TU Informatics.
What is the CTS Content Session at the European Forum Alpbach 2022 about?
Oliver Hödl and Patricia Hu speak about their project “muco”.
Barbara Laa speaks about her project “GoData Space”.
Andrea Rieger-Jandl speaks about her project “Kellergassen”.
Seyedeh Ashrafi speaks about her project “New Mobilities”.
Christian Peer and Helena Bernhardt speak about their CTS Project “Lectures for Future: 2nd Level”
Esther Blaimschein talks about her project ‘Mental eHealth & Telepsychiatry’.
D. Born & F. Fischer present their project ‘Best Practice Inter- & Transdisciplinary Teaching’.
Dagmar Gromann and Katta Spiel present their project GenderFair MT. For more information on the project, visit the project homepage .
The current CTS Factsheet describing the CTS core mission, financing, activities, as well as the most relevant key figures about the center, is now available to download.
Dipl.-Ing. Marlene Wagner presents the CTS-funded project ‘Saving Spaces’.
Dipl.-Ing. Isabel Stumfol presents the CTS-funded Summer School ‘Zukunftsland Lungau’.
Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Georg Jäggle presents his CTS-funded project “Digital Literacy in Robotics”.
Dr. Christian Peer (Raumplanung, TU Wien) talks about the CTS-cofunded project “Lectures for Future”.
The Federal Minister for Education, Science and Research, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Faßmann, sends his well-wishes to the CTS and speaks about the importance of interdisciplinary work.
Prof. Simon Güntner (TU Wien) talks about his project on “Digital Participation”.
In a new video, Anna Franzkowiak introduces the CTS.
The current CTS Funding Criteria info sheet listing the formal criteria for CTS-funded projects, is now available to download.
“FHs kooperieren mit anderen Hochschulen in vielen Bereichen: um den Austausch zu fördern, innerhalb des Sektors, um gemeinsame Forschung voranzutreiben”
Gudrun Ostermann from the Austrian newspaper derStandard reports on the CTS.
Das österreichische Arbeitsmarktservice (AMS) führt mit 2020 einen Algorithmus (AMAS) ein, der bei der Vergabe von Fördermitteln behilflich sein soll. Der sogenannte „AMS-Algorithmus“ ist umstritten. ITA und TU Wien analysieren technische Spezifiken und gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen in Kooperation mit der Arbeiterkammer.
Wir forschen seit einiger Zeit zum AMS-Algorithmus und wundern uns über die aktuelle Debatte zum AMS -Algorithmus.