The Center for Technology and Society invites you to its second annual Midsommar event. We are also celebrating our 5th anniversary.

Thursday, 27. June 2024 starting 13:00 CEST
TU Wien (Gusshausstraße 27-29, 1040 Wien) in “Kontaktraum” (CD 06 03) Directions on TU Maps
13:00: STE[A+]M Beam
For the first time, the TU Wien and the University College of Teacher Education (PH Wien) are cooperating to explore holistic education and competences (amalgamation) – within our doctoral college STE[A+]M (see) – in various fields such as science, computer science, art, architecture, mathematics, environment etc. We invite all interested parties to participate in the exchange and gain interactive experience.15:30: 5 Years of the CTS
Celebrating the 5th anniversary of the CTS, we review the past years and identify future relevant interfaces between technology and society.
17:15: Networking
Get to know our network during a relaxing close.
- 15:45: CTS//project Blocked Undergroung
- 16:00: Presentation of the CTS//circle.responsibleComputing
- 16:15: CTS//project Model-based treatment of thyroid diseases
- 16:30: CTS//project YOUTH
- 16:45: Outlook