Cultures of learning physical, digital and social spaces at the university

Project Details

  • Consortium:

    TU Wien – Informatik

    Universität Wien - Bildungswissenschaften

    FH Campus Wien - Department Soziale Arbeit, INUAS

Project Contact Information


The trans-disciplinary workshop series and participatory action research SAVEing SPACES sees itself as an activating, process-led project in the university’s research field. Students and teachers of architecture, planning, computer science, education and social work, supported by the Center for Technology and Society, dedicate themselves to the urgency: The new (non) normal at the university, to reflect and speculate on our practices, formats, tools and theories. How do we teach / learn? Why, where and when? Who with whom for whom and what?

Together we want to look at, document and actively shape the new (not) normal at the university and invite you to an interdisciplinary exchange of experiences, needs and interests in order to learn new things and think about new things.

Network of teachers and students from the Faculties of Architecture and Spatial Planning and Computer Science at the TU Wien, the Center for Teacher Training at the University of Vienna, Social Work at the FH Campus Vienna, the Claiming* Spaces Collective, ÖH Academy of Fine Arts, the student councils and student representatives of the participating universities.

Outcome Summary

The workshop series and participatory action research have led to more digital practical skills and understanding between teachers and students in these difficult, uncertain times, in addition to important insights into different cultures of learning of the disciplines and universities involved. The documentation on theories and practices of learning, the acquisition of diverse technical tools and the organization of different digital learning formats within the secure project space, has enabled knowledge and thus empowerment for application in formal teaching, for all participants. Furthermore, a cross-university network of different practice-oriented disciplines at the interface of teaching and research could be formed. In the consortium TU Wien, FH Campus Wien and Uni Wien.

In the last phase of the project, the materials and data were processed and, as stated in the application, made available as a multimedia resource and knowledge pool or expandable digital knowledge resource – – to ensure the sustainability of the project. The project website (ibid.), which was created within the project and is currently under construction, provides further information about the project and the knowledge gained about theories, formats, and tools. Learnings from the project were also published in the future.LAB Magazine Nr. 15 of the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Planning.


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